i've set up an are.na channel with these readings added as blocks along with other readings i've found and will likely find in the coming months:

online: fostering community resiliency - Are.na

1 _ Community Resilience

The initial bounding for our social imagining

Community Resilience through a systems lens:

Six Foundations for Community Resilience

Resilience is the ability of a system (like a community) to absorb disturbance and still retain basic function and structure. Building resilience means intentionally guiding the system’s process of adaptation in an attempt to preserve some qualities and allow others to fade away, all while retaining the essence—or “identity”—of the system. In a human community, identity is essentially determined by what people value about where they live. However, what a community of people collectively values is open to interpretation and subject to disagreement. This suggests that people—and the ways they come to rough consensus—are necessarily at the center of community resilience building.

2 _ Futures For All

Further bounding our focus through discussing what Futures For All means in the midst of this global pandemic

The need for a systemic interrogation of all drivers of change in order to enact transformation for social good in the 21st century:

Futures, Power and Privilege

The practice of humanitarian futures and strategic foresight challenges us to see that past hegemonies don’t necessitate a similar future state, and seeks to ensure that in our journey to jointly flourish, we don’t leave anyone behind. Ultimately, it pushes us to interrogate the changes in policies, practices, culture and investments that institutions need to adopt in order to be fit for these futures.