You can click on the “Run a Grant Program” button from the main page to get started.


From here, you will be greeted with this screen. You can fill out the details to describe the criteria you would like builders to include when submitting a proposal.


Next, you’ll need to decide how you would like to review incoming proposals and the number of reviewers you would like to participate in the evaluation process. Finally, you can skip this setup phase if you like; we’ll give you some information on the options below.

Voting: Team members that are allowed access to your grant program can vote on the quality and relevance of the proposal


Rubric: This is a concept that Questbook pioneered early on. With Evaluation Rubrics, you can select specific criteria that you would like proposals to be evaluated against. This is especially useful when operating a community grant program or having multiple teams and team members participating in the review process.


The next screen allows you to select the criteria for how builders will be paid out for their proposals. For example, you can choose either a one-time or milestone-based payment method. When done click on “Create grant program”


That’s it! An on-chain transaction will initiate. You have now created your grant, congrats 🎉
