Get the volunteers you need to help vaccinate Californians!

In partnership with VolunteerMatch, #CaliforniansForAll provides the platform to promote your organization and recruit volunteers to help accelerate the administration of COVID-19 vaccines and save lives. Together we can #VaccinateAll58.

Register your Event with CV

Register your Events/plans with California Volunteers using the Month of Action Event Registration Form. If you have more than one event, please register each event separately. This form will populate the **Month of Action Event Spreadsheet**  which can then be viewed in the Events tab or our MS Teams channel to learn what others are doing and help you collaborate where that's helpful!

Register your Event on Volunteer Match

A key focus of this effort is to engage volunteers. Post your events on Volunteer Match and volunteers can find you!

3 Steps to Get Started

  1. Begin the process by registering for a free account on VolunteerMatch.
  2. Create as many volunteer listings as you need for your vaccine-related volunteer opportunities and use COVID or VACCINE in the description.
  3. Use #VaccinateAll58 in your listing so we can prioritize them and drive more volunteers to you.

Select Your Organization

How To Post An Opportunity

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. From your organization dashboard, simply select 'Add New Opportunity' and fill out the form
  3. Be sure to check the COVID 19 box and include the word COVID or VACCINE in the Opportunity Description
  4. Make sure all the required fields (marked with an *) are filled out and select 'Save' at the bottom of the form
  5. You'll be brought to the Opportunities Details page, where you can review the information you've entered and publish your opportunity!
  6. Update the Month of Action Event Spreadsheet (column ) with your event's URL and we'll use that to put it on our webpage

Use #VaccinateAll58 and #MyTurnVolunteer in your Post to Prioritize them and drive more Volunteers to you.
