Email subject - It’s live!

Hi [name],

I hope you’re well.

Our podcast interview is now live. [Add link to the podcast]

Thank you again so much for your time to do the interview, it was an absolute pleasure having you on the show. I know your audience is going to learn a ton of amazing and valuable things on x,y(topics) from your episode! I definitely have!

If you’d like to check it out, you can access your episode here:

(List all platforms where podcast is available)



Google Podcasts:



I would be honored if you would be up for sharing the interview with your audience-but absolutely no pressure to do so.

Looking forward to doing more together.

And You could also include:

I was wondering if there is anyone that you think I should talk to and who would add massive value to my audience.

Am looking for guests in:

Area 1: Fill with industry name

Area 2: Fill with industry name
