The Polygon Operations Team's responsibility is to manage governance assets on the Polygon blockchain. The team should behave as an extension of PoolTogether governance and for any major movements act according to temperature checks by POOL token holders.


Role Details

The Polygon Ops Team will custody funds on Polygon that need to be added to faucets. Governance will send funds from Ethereum to the Ops Team so that the ops team can disburse them accordingly.


  1. A PTIP is created to organize a new faucet on Polygon. The PTIP defines the faucet to be created on Polygon, but the implementation will simply transfer the funds to the Operations Team.
  2. The Polygon Operations Team receives the funds on Polygon, and deposits them into the correct faucets.


Triple-check your transactions before executing them! Cancelling transactions requires the same number of confirmations as executing them, so it's a pain in the ass to cancel a tx. Avoid it.


Manage faucets on Polygon.