<aside> ☄️ Want to play an amazing server with a friendly community? Connect to play.pluteria.com today! We truly hope you enjoy your time on the server!


Hey there! Welcome to the official Pluteria wiki. This place is packed with information that you'll find valuable while playing on the server. First things first; please familiarize yourself with each of our rules. You can view the rules at pluteria.com/rules or by typing /rules when in-game. We make sure all players are in acceptance of the rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable place to play.

Pluteria is a unique take on prison in Minecraft. Taking place in space, players can progress through 10 different ranks, unlocking access to planets along the way. Planets are where players will spend most of their time, mining resources to sell for money. Along with these planets, players are able to travel to their starbase to farm resources and grind mobs to make money.

When you first join Pluteria, you will be able to follow an in-game tutorial to get familiarized with all features. Even though the tutorial provides a good amount of information, the wiki will house about everything you need to know while playing on the server. If you end up having questions that are not answered here, please ask one of our staff members.


Asteroids are controlled by Drovak warriors, and are known to be the home of a valuable resource called plutonium. This plutonium can be mined every 20 minutes, and sold off for money. Bedrock on an asteroid signifies that the plutonium is currently regenerating and cannot be mined.

These are the stages of a plutonium block found on an asteroid.

These are the stages of a plutonium block found on an asteroid.

Drovak Warriors

Mining on an asteroid can be quite the challenge. Drovak warriors will protect the plutonium as much as they can, attacking you if you get close to them. Their attacks can vary from being hit with an axe, or launching a fireball at you. Regardless, they are extremely dangerous.

Drovak warriors will protect the asteroid by attacking you at close range.

Drovak warriors will protect the asteroid by attacking you at close range.

<aside> ❓ You must be at least Rank IV to mine plutonium on asteroids.
