


A course on surfaces, surprises, otherwises

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🗓 7 sessions, June 22 - August 3

🕰️ 2.5 hour sessions, Saturdays 10am-12:30pm

🗺 Location: alternating between Merlin’s Place (248 McKibbin St.) & the wilds of Prospect Park (probably here)

💰 Sliding scale: $100 (scholarship level) to $350 (based on standard hourly rate for movement classes) to $700 (supporter). (Tuition goes toward compensating the facilitators, space rental, and supporting Fractal University’s admin team.)

📋 Apply by May 17: https://forms.gle/kmYhSLNVBhq6yff98

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“Play is the highest form of research” - some wiseguy




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[T]he most important evolutionary changes to Homo sapien brains were not size increases but structural changes which made us better at language, visuospatial integration (“monkey see, monkey do”), creativity, and abstraction, all of which enhanced our ability to PLAY. The overall effect of these changes was that our brains became more GLOBULAR, i.e. more like BALLS, which happen to be the simpliest and most perfectliest TOY. - Roger’s Bacon

Hit for a giant ball


“Whoever plays, plays freely” - James Carse