
Acts of plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in the denial of the requested status and/or discontinuance. Candidates must ensure accurate citation of all non-original work included in submitted documents – including work previously published by the candidate in a different document/source.


Plagiarism is defined as copying others’ work and submitting it as your own. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Plagiarism may include (but is not limited to):

(All the above is adapted from: http://www.plagiarism.org/plagiarism-101/what-is-plagiarism)


The BOM uses iThenticate to check submitted documents for plagiarism. Any document submitted to the dCOM or the BOM may be checked. At a minimum, candidates pursuing the following will have their written material submitted:

The conference registrar will oversee the submissions and provide an initial interpretation of results. For material submitted to the dCOM, instances of suspected plagiarism will be forwarded to the dCOM chair for action by the committee and/or interview team.