
Payments in Picksell go directly to the seller without any intermediaries, that mean less risk fo data and wealth. Sellers get minimum info on users — only what's required to process an order, and never see card data or bank account info. We request only the most essential info. User can refuse to provide the data, and still enjoy the highest level of service. We can easily limit access for a particular store or erase user info full stop. User protected from any data misuse.


Scan a QR code of a product on any surface — a PC or smartphone screen, in-store or on a billboard. You will be forwarded to the Picksell app or website where you can buy a scanned product and order delivery or save it in a cart to continue shopping later. Shop wherever you are! Minimum contact with staff, maximum advantages for you.

Responsive shopping app and web

You can make purchases at your favourite stores via Picksell shopping website and App. Both are designed to be fully responsive so that you will enjoy shopping whatever desktop, mobile or tablet you use.

Single shopping cart for purchases from different stores

Put all your products in one shopping cart and buy or save them until you ready to continue shopping.

Exclusive discounts and offers

Get special offers from stores available for Picksell users only and get personal discounts on your favourite items or products abandoned in your shopping cart.

Get informed

Follow your favourite sellers and stores to get the latest updates on new items in stock, discounts and sales.

Smart recommendations

Picksell recommends you only relevant stores, filtered and displayed in accordance with your preferences.

Orders and delivery tracking

Track all your orders deliveries on one dashboard.

Direct contact

Use direct chats with stores in case you need advise, help or support.