See UX Case Study explained - How i participated in optimizing the optimizer

Optimizing the Optimizer: How We Built and Improved Toaster, Our Keyword Optimization Tool - Phiture - Mobile Growth Consultancy and Agency

My Role :

Process :

In order to improve Toaster, an ASO tool for Keyword Optimization, used by ASO consultants ( B2B )

User Research Resources.png

I decided to process according the following actions :

  1. Competitors Analysis to identify comonality between features, main differencies
  2. Niche ( ASO ) best practices to identify product improvments ( big picture )
  3. Perform an Audit of the existing tool, grouping actions with tags, to help identify quick wins and put that into Backlogs + Prioritize
  4. Realize Interviews with Consultants to identify they daily tasks, pain points and wishes, experiences
  5. Maping their experience to illustrate key findings and understand their journey using the product
  6. Realize an optimized Product Flow to identify backlog priorities, point of attention, and next improvment to do
  7. Realize MVP layouts of the most important and most used features
  8. Adapting the updates to the tool design system