April 2, 2021 - Led by Jared Spool

Lead your organization through a groundbreaking transformation to become UX driven.

Qualitative user research can only take us so far. Sure, we can tell great stories about the adventures and travails of the people we’re designing for, sharing their frustrations and delights with our products and services.

However, if we want to cement our executive’s commitment to better UX, we’ll need numbers. We’ll need to clearly show, on a large scale, that better UX is good for the organization. We’ll need Persuasive UX Metrics.

You’ll learn how to make your new UX Metrics persuasive so that…

Notes for today's discussion:


UX Outcomes

Answers the question: If we do a great job delivering a well-designed [Feature, Product, or Service], how will we improve someone's life?

UX Success Metrics

How will we know the exact moment that we've achieved our UX Outcome?

UX Progress Metrics

How far have we come on the way to achieving our UX Outcomes?

How much do we have left to go to achieve our UX Outcomes?

Problem-Value Metrics

What obstacles are preventing our users from achieving our UX Outcome?

How much are those obstacles costing our organization?

Pulling it all together

Leaders lead through persuasion.

Unlike managers, who are appointed and have role power, leaders become a leader when they attract a follower.

If we want to lead our organizations to deliver better-designed products and services, we need to learn how to use the power of persuasion.

Design is the rendering of intent.

A designer has a change they want to see in the world. That change is their intention.

A designer makes the change happen through the work of design. That work is the rendering.

Design is, in essence, a series of decisions that form both the intention and the rendering.

What are we going to build?

How are we going to build it?