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PermaDao Weekly #11 (4.14-4.20)


Translator: Ruby @ Contributor of PermaDAO

Reviewer: Viya @ Contributor of PermaDAO

Dear PermaDAO Community members,

After the Web3 Hong Kong Night event, PermaDAO hosted another Web3 activity that shared the gains and thoughts from the Web3 event, providing more probability of innovation and future projects for PermaDAO.

Workload Overview

Last week, PermaDAO:

PermaDAO has distributed 462.66 $AR tokens in total to dedicated volunteers, and we encourage them to persevere!

Notable Events

  1. The Eternity. AI project initiated by the builders of PermaDAO has been in the exploration stage. At present, the website structure has been developed. For more details can consult in the PermaDAO Community if you are interested.