Project intro

Many females use digital menstrual trackers and I am one of them but every tracker I used had unnecessary complexity and it seemed all focus is on pregnancy when this is not the real case with the majority of the months and for some females, it’s never the case. I started to learn Swift so this project seemed like a great playground for improving skills and learning more.

Solving problem

There were no simple menstrual diaries to log cycle without too much hassle so I decided to create one. I asked other ladies about their preferences and it all came down to knowing when is the next period.,format


The core of the app is a calendar that shows periods and estimation of the next period. Usage is quite simple, tap on a day means a period has started and tap on another day means period ended. I had to implement a lot of calculations but a calendar is now very smart and it’s starting to log with just 1 tap.


It was a fun project and I learned a lot. My plan is to revamp it completely, provide an even better interface with cloud backup and offer a solution for Android as well. Period Flow 1 is available on the App Store (not anymore because I refuse to pay 100 dollars for Apple Developer subscription every year 🙂).