Automatic tracking backup


Manual tracking backup

Tracking data are saved on a MySQL database inside the ethoscope and in principle, one could access the MySQL db over the network and perform a dump and then a conversion to sqlite3 format. The script is something I’ve used in the past to recover some data in particular situations


# Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite 3 compatible file. It also extracts the MySQL `KEY xxxxx` from the
# CREATE block and create them in separate commands _after_ all the INSERTs.

# Awk is choosen because it's fast and portable. You can use gawk, original awk or even the lightning fast mawk.
# The mysqldump file is traversed only once.

# Usage: $ ./mysql2sqlite mysqldump-opts db-name | sqlite3 database.sqlite
# Example: $ ./mysql2sqlite --no-data -u root -pMySecretPassWord myDbase | sqlite3 database.sqlite

# Thanks to and @artemyk and @gkuenning for their nice tweaks.

mysqldump  --compatible=ansi --skip-extended-insert --compact  "$@" | \\

awk '

	print "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;"
	print "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY;"

# CREATE TRIGGER statements have funny commenting.  Remember we are in trigger.
/^\\/\\*.*CREATE.*TRIGGER/ {
	inTrigger = 1

# The end of CREATE TRIGGER has a stray comment terminator
/END \\*\\/;;/ { gsub( /\\*\\//, "" ); print; inTrigger = 0; next }

# The rest of triggers just get passed through
inTrigger != 0 { print; next }

# Skip other comments
/^\\/\\*/ { next }

# Print all `INSERT` lines. The single quotes are protected by another single quote.
	gsub( /\\\\\\047/, "\\047\\047" )
	gsub(/\\\\n/, "\\n")
	gsub(/\\\\r/, "\\r")
	gsub(/\\\\"/, "\\"")
	gsub(/\\\\\\\\/, "\\\\")
	gsub(/\\\\\\032/, "\\032")

# Print the `CREATE` line as is and capture the table name.
	if ( match( $0, /\\"[^\\"]+/ ) ) tableName = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 ) 

# Replace `FULLTEXT KEY` or any other `XXXXX KEY` except PRIMARY by `KEY`
/^  [^"]+KEY/ && !/^  PRIMARY KEY/ { gsub( /.+KEY/, "  KEY" ) }

# Get rid of field lengths in KEY lines
/ KEY/ { gsub(/\\([0-9]+\\)/, "") }

# Print all fields definition lines except the `KEY` lines.
/^  / && !/^(  KEY|\\);)/ {
	gsub( /AUTO_INCREMENT|auto_increment/, "" )
	gsub( /(CHARACTER SET|character set) [^ ]+ /, "" )
	gsub( /DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp/, "" )
	gsub( /(COLLATE|collate) [^ ]+ /, "" )
	gsub(/(ENUM|enum)[^)]+\\)/, "text ")
	gsub(/(SET|set)\\([^)]+\\)/, "text ")
	gsub(/UNSIGNED|unsigned/, "")
	if (prev) print prev ","
	prev = $1

# `KEY` lines are extracted from the `CREATE` block and stored in array for later print 
# in a separate `CREATE KEY` command. The index name is prefixed by the table name to 
# avoid a sqlite error for duplicate index name.
/^(  KEY|\\);)/ {
	if (prev) print prev
	if ($0 == ");"){
	} else {
		if ( match( $0, /\\"[^"]+/ ) ) indexName = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 ) 
		if ( match( $0, /\\([^()]+/ ) ) indexKey = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 ) 
		key[tableName]=key[tableName] "CREATE INDEX \\"" tableName "_" indexName "\\" ON \\"" tableName "\\" (" indexKey ");\\n"

# Print all `KEY` creation lines.
	for (table in key) printf key[table]
exit 0

One can also force backup from the command line on the node using the following syntax:

cd /opt/ethoscope-node/node_src/scripts

[gg@node scripts]$ python --help
Usage: [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -D, --debug           Set DEBUG mode ON
  -r RESULTS_DIR, --results-dir=RESULTS_DIR
                        Where result files are stored
  -i SERVER, --server=SERVER
                        The server on which the node is running will be
                        interrogated first for the device list
  -s, --safe            Set Safe mode ON
  -e ETHOSCOPE, --ethoscope=ETHOSCOPE
                        Force backup of given ethoscope number (eg: 007)

This would run as in the example below

[gg@node scripts]$ sudo python -e 120
Forcing backup for ethoscope 120
INFO:root:Initiating backup for device  12046165bcf144baafb356ae82c40f8f
INFO:root:Running backup for device  12046165bcf144baafb356ae82c40f8f
INFO:root:Initializing local database static tables at /ethoscope_data/results/12046165bcf144baafb356ae82c40f8f/ETHOSCOPE_120/2020-07-20_14-37-01/2020-07-20_14-37-01_12046165bcf144baafb356ae82c40f8f.db
INFO:root:Making parent directories
WARNING:root:[Errno 17] File exists: '/ethoscope_data/results/12046165bcf144baafb356ae82c40f8f/ETHOSCOPE_120/2020-07-20_14-37-01'
INFO:root:Ensuring DAM file exists at /ethoscope_data/results/12046165bcf144baafb356ae82c40f8f/ETHOSCOPE_120/2020-07-20_14-37-01/2020-07-20_14-37-01_12046165bcf144baafb356ae82c40f8f.txt
INFO:root:Database mirroring initialised

Automatic video backup