Application form to create Your Pepo Community

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Pepo Communities FAQs

<aside> ☎️ What will be required in order to access the new Communities features?

Users will need to be on the latest version of Pepo (v1.0.3 or greater) in order to access and join Pepo Communities. Users on older versions will be able to view your videos but will not able to view or join communities until they upgrade to the newer version of the app.


<aside> 📝 What features are currently available for Pepo Communities?

Name, Tagline, Cover Image, Description Community Tags and filters Members and Admins list "Pinned videos" on top of the community Ability to invite people to join via link or QR code Communities are featured in the discovery tab Communities names are highlighted on videos


<aside> 🍉 How do I create my Pepo Community?

Communities creation is currently handled manually by the Pepo team. In a future release users will be able to create their own channels from within the app. Please complete this form to request your community.


<aside> 🤐 Can I create a private Community?

All Pepo channels are currently public. If you are interested in creating a private Pepo channel, please contact us and let us know why you would like a private channel so that we can better understand your use case and help inform our development.


<aside> ♻️ Can I edit/change the name of the community?

It currently is not possible to edit the community name from within the app. If you must change your community name, please contact the Pepo team.


<aside> ⚙ Can I edit the cover image?

It currently is not possible to edit the community name from within the app. If you must change your community name, please contact the Pepo team.
