The Realms were early…

Launched in 2021, Bibliotheca DAO is an offshoot of Dom Hoffmann’s Loot Project. Its goal: the creation of an open, permissionless gaming network. The DAO swiftly became the benchmark in onchain gaming, integrating the latest technology and exemplifying a progressive ethos through its commitment to open-source principles. Over the past two transformative years, the DAO has achieved:

Undertaking the colossal task of building in the open—absent a playbook, a foundational game engine, and amidst undisclosed technological constraints—has been anything but straightforward. The journey, while occasionally diverting into technological cul-de-sacs, has always been driven by a belief in risk and reward. If successful, Bibliotheca DAO will have created a gaming network unmatched in its scale and scope, hosting a multitude of connected games and a unique economic incentive structure to tie it all together.

Throughout the two-year odyssey of developing Realms - rebranding to ‘Realms.World’, we've not only progressed the onchain gaming space but also remained anchored to a core vision: creating an open, public, and permissionless world, governed by Loot Realms NFTs, and unwaveringly accessible to global participants, all while ensuring games are reconstructible from data and operable on an L2 network.

From humble beginnings in 2021 to its current leadership role in 2023, Bibliotheca DAO has firmly established itself as the hub for innovative onchain gaming.

Introducing the new logo and branding to herald ‘Realms.World’ as a fantasy multiverse, home to games of all genres and styles. The website Realms.World is the hub from where games are launched. The crown outline and map theming have been part of the Realms DNA since the project’s inception, and the community’s creatives have incorporated these elements into the brand’s distinctive new style.

Introducing the new logo and branding to herald ‘Realms.World’ as a fantasy multiverse, home to games of all genres and styles. The website Realms.World is the hub from where games are launched. The crown outline and map theming have been part of the Realms DNA since the project’s inception, and the community’s creatives have incorporated these elements into the brand’s distinctive new style.

Transparency from the Outset

From its inception, Bibliotheca DAO has been committed to building in the open. This policy flows through all aspects of the DAO, from the games, frameworks and tools it develops under MIT and CC0 licenses, to community governance and public discussion on DAO initiatives and direction. In essence, the DAO embodies a dedication to open-source principles.

Ecosystem 2021 The DAO building an extendable onchain game

Ecosystem 2021 The DAO building an extendable onchain game

StarkNet and the Original Master Scroll

The release of the Master Scroll in 2021 showcased Bibliotheca DAO's vision of world-building. The DAO was newly formed and had only recently begun working on its first game, Realms: Eternum, when it was written. Development of Eternum taught the DAO many lessons, validating some concepts in the Master Scroll and invalidating others. Notably, Eternum development uncovered that: