
With parameters you can inject data into your SQL statement. You can input plain text / numbers or inject data from Sheets or another block.

Add data from Sheets

  1. Add a parameter to your SQL

    select e.*
    from AS e
    where 1=1
    and like '%{{email}}%'
    limit 200
  2. As soon as you add a parameter to your SQL, you'll see a "Params" section show up in SeekWell, select Sheets as the Type

  1. Select the Spreadsheet you want to grab the parameter value from and the cell using A1 notation (e.g. Sheet1!A1). You can only use a single cell (except Postgres and Snowflake, see below). If you need to reference multiple cells, use and / or statements.
  2. Run the query and you'll get results based on your parameters!

Add data from another Block

Select "Block" as the parameter type

Lists and Tables (Postgres and Snowflake only)

You can also use a Sheet range (i.e. more than one cell) to generate a SQL list (e.g. where some_column in (1, 2, 3)). To use the list in your query, simply add the parameter (no parens, quotes, etc. needed), for example:

select *
from some_table as d
where d.some_column in {{vals}}