V1: Export email - pre-submission only

V1: Export email - all applications

V3: Export PDF


Given that we have mandatory parts to our form which the user will have to complete, any development of something more useful to administrative staff such as a PDF extraction of the Gateway application form would be most useful to streamline this process.

S0 articulated that the PDF would make the manual transfer to their own systems a lot easier. They plan on using JSON in the future, but for now the PDF would mean a significant improvement in that process.

DS comments from duplicate ticket:

  1. will applicant get an email with the full application for them to have 'off line' e.g., as a pdf?
  2. will custodian get a copy of the application via email - we will need to have the functionality for them to work on this 'offline' to begin with e.g., sharing with their data access committees.
  3. and Include copy of applicaton in email - confirmed that both data custodians and applicant receive an email with the details within the email. No further actions for now


Action: Clean up JSON @Stacey PA. Suggestion to print email