Below are some ideas for self-care and job search during the intermission.

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Join Online communities and Network

Approximately 68% of Turing graduates find jobs through networking. It is beneficial to join professional industry groups such as LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, Meetups, and Slack communities. Networking with peers, connecting with recruiters, and staying on top of industry news are all possible in online communities. During coffee chats, ask your contacts what communities they recommend.

Job Search Tracker!

Starting and continuing to develop a list of companies you're interested in and tracking your networking conversations is a great idea as you move into Mod 4.

Check out this Job Search Tracker that tracks companies, outreach messages, contacts, and resources you find helpful. There’s also automation built into this where you can get reminders to follow up with contacts. You can watch [this video]( to learn how to use the Tracker + LAMP List.

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