<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9894927c-eca4-4cf3-8faf-2d8d99b0e108/information.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9894927c-eca4-4cf3-8faf-2d8d99b0e108/information.png" width="40px" /> Owned media is a media channel that nobody can take away from you. You own this channel and the direct relationship to your listeners. It is always beneficial to develop a strong direct marketing effort. Migrated listeners to owned media channels and reap the rewards. Examples below.


Your Owned Media channels are based on permission marketing. You need to earn permission to speak to somebody. I do not include social media accounts here because you don't actually own your social media accounts. The social media platforms can significantly reduce your organic reach or completely de-platform you. It is imperative that you launch and grow, build and execute an owned media acquisition strategy.

Use services like SuperPhone or Community to roll up a direct marketing SMS text messaging list. Provide something of value to incentivize fans to sign up for your SMS list and keep them engaged with communication, value, and rewards.

Grow your email marketing list. Use sweepstakes and A/B split testing to optimize email sign ups. Not only is this list valuable for direct marketing efforts, but you can also use your email marketing database to create custom audiences or look-a-like audiences on your advertising efforts.

Websites are still relevant. Build one. And keep it updated. People visit official websites for official news and accurate tour date information. You can hire a web developer or use a service like Strikingly or Squarespace to launch a website. Once people are on your website, use an email capture form to capture an email address. Use a service like SUMO.com to optimize email sign ups. And make it easy for people to buy concert tickets and merch.

Paid subscriptions and fan clubs are other examples of owned media channels. You can build fan club forums on your existing website or launch your own subscription package using a third-party e-commerce platform.