<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5b1bde4a-25f9-442e-84b8-afc5342241f6/positive.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5b1bde4a-25f9-442e-84b8-afc5342241f6/positive.png" width="40px" /> →Overview of the purpose of the document →How long onboarding takes →Onboarding deadline for GR15 →Onboarding point of contact


Overview ℹ️

Nuts and Bolts of a Grant

These are the basic pieces you’ll need to have ready when submitting your application (which can be edited at a later date).

Title →

Description →

Email addresses, twitter handles →

Links to repos →

Links to webpages →

Compelling project graphic → Ideal dimensions are XX

Round tags → Specifies which round you are applying to be considered for. You will self-select the tags you believe your grant is applicable for and they will be confirmed by the Gitcoin team based on the eligibility criteria outlined in the Round Brief.

Basic Platform Requirements apply to the Main Round, while Ecosystem and Cause Rounds have eligibility criteria that are decoupled from the Main Round (see Round Structure below for more info)

The Three Types of Rounds ⚙️

The Three Types of Rounds: Main, Ecosystem, and Cause

Main Round