All Aboard – Queen Anne's Revenge

You hold a piece of Abstract. And we want you to feel valued for it. We want you to understand that there's more than just slaving away your time off for client work.

We are here because we have the opportunity to execute our craft however we want it, the way we want it. We are here because we're tired of things that do not make sense to us – to build a company that challenges the status quo. And most of all, we are here because we don't believe

All Hands On Deck

Every shipmate has the power to mold this company, and as founders - we can only facilitate the process of doing so. It's the crew that makes up the ship, and we strongly encourage contributing ideas to make things better. From hiring, workflows, processes, mentorship, tools and projects - all will always be a work in progress.

Where We Work

With the emergence of Covid-19, we have transformed into a fully remote team last April.