What's your contribution to a solution's value chain? Where does your solution fit into the broader market? By understanding how you fit and what your primary value is to the market, you can better position yourself for long term value.


Estimated time

1 hour (could be a lot shorter, or a LOT longer depending on where your business maturity is)

Goals: why are we doing this?


As discussed in We have a responsibility as marketers, what we do as marketers is help our society take innovations (solutions) and determine which of these innovations are valuable to society through the process of marketing.

Bringing this down a level, as a business, we take a set of inputs, do something, and produce a set of outputs. The amount of money you make = the value THE MARKET PLACES on the work you did with those inputs. This is all your company does. Everything else is inefficiency.

<aside> 💡 Value created & captured - Cost to create that value = margin


In Michael Porter's book "Competitive Advantage", he introduced the concept of a "value chain." In the book, he defines a general purpose value chain with a set of primary activities that a business performs.

Sales, marketing, human resources, even product development or engineering are considered support activities to the primary activities that a business performs, which are:

Inbound Logistics

The activities to get your source inputs that you operationally transform into outputs.


The transformational activities you do to inputs to change them into outputs that are sold (i.e. why you exist).

Outbound Logistics

The activities you do to deliver your value to customers.

Marketing & Sales

The processes to persuade customers to purchase from you instead of your competitors.


The activities related to maintaining the value of the product once it's been purchased.