Last Update: April 12, 2022


The path to sustainable impact starts with sustainable value.”

The inception of DAO Nation came from a desire to create a sustainable, long-term ecosystem of social impact.

Our core team is incredible. Great dedication, great minds. But when a “team” leads alone, a risk of stagnation exists. Ideas are circling within an echo chamber, implementation is behind closed doors, and by a limited number of hands.

Not all is bad, but we decided to take a different path, an experimental one, on the way to a whole new governance model that will reward its community members with tokens based on their potency within the ecosystem. The more you contribute, the more you earn, the more impact you have on future proposals.

Call it social capitalism, or capital socialism. It doesn’t matter. What matters is — a community that designs its faith. Not strictly by voting, but by activism from within.

We are currently implementing a governance infrastructure that revolves around 3 main pillars:

  1. Small Working Groups
  2. Aggressive community incentivization
  3. Inclusion

DAOs attract various types of members into their communities. Some come for airdrops, others to invest, and then there are the ones that come to act. There’s so much talent that isn’t being utilized nor compensated enough to drive sustainable growth. We all come from different professions, backgrounds, and we all can contribute to making better protocols, and better decisions.

Culture & Values