
Most of our customers migrate to Air from cloud storage (Dropbox, GDrive, and Box). We are the first piece of dedicated media infrastructure businesses purchase, and a workspace typically starts with just 1-2 seats.

Our initial end user is a junior member of the marketing team (brand marketing manager, content coordinator, social media manager). From there, the product moves horizontally through the organization, with adoption from sales, operations, creative, and more. We often see external usage as well, as agencies and freelancers are added to the workspace for one-off or ongoing projects. Within a few months, we reach 50-80% of headcount and solidify our position as core infrastructure.

At businesses we initially latch onto the creative request process. Think about when you need an image from a past photo shoot, who do you ask? That is our initial entry point into your business. Creativity is complicated because it is very manual and technical. Our goal is to automate, optimize and simplify. We want our users to be able to exhale and enjoy the playfulness of the creative process.

On Air, customers consolidate work that is happening across Slack, Trello, Airtable, emails, text messages, GSlides, iCloud, Frame.io, Vimeo, Smugmug, Youtube, Adobe Cloud, and hard drives. Their creative process is broken and they want a solution that covers asset management, creative reviews, and project management.