Instant buying or saving in a cart

When you find a product you like you can buy in instantly or save it in you shopping cart to finish purchasing later.

Click Buy now to move to checkout.

Click To cart to save an item in you shopping cart.

From the cart to checkout

In your shopping cart all saved items are sorted by seller/store.

You can delete unnecessary products from the cart, change amount or available options for each product.

To move to checkout you need to select products you are going to buy and click Proceed to checkout. All unselected ones are saved in your cart.

Picksell web shopping cart icon

Picksell app shopping cart icon


On the checkout page you need to choose delivery method and make sure all sellers you order from support the method. In other case you will see a warning with instructions what to do.

Mandatory information to proceed an order:

All the information is displayed automatically if you have set it up in your account.

You free to add the information or edit it on checkout page.

After all the information is provided and the order is checked click Pay to carry out a payment.