What is the problem? & Why are we solving it?

Currently our swapper makes simple orders and users can’t do limit orders or advanced protection to their trading. We suspect that this is latent demand to unlock.

There is some evidence that people use these elsewhere, from Dune dashboard of DEXs limit orders on Cowswap. qualitative evidence on twitter

How does it help Shapeshift users or DAO?

Order books are the default standard in finance for ease of use, deep liquidity, “set it and forget it” experiences, and safer protections for the price sensitive(— and or price degenerate) . Users would benefit greatly from thee option and are familiar with this everywhere from centralized exchanges like Coinbase advanced to Oku and Cowswap.

How are we solving it?

We should try to keep the milestone(s) crisp but the UI simple to verify how many of our users are interested in this order type and make the UX novel enough that discovery is intuitive/delightful.

https://www.figma.com/file/IBz3Fn75GGjXfm89FsymAL/Limit-Orders?type=design&node-id=665%3A12494&mode=design&t=0FNsz0P0bttq7Dx5-1 raw figma

https://www.figma.com/proto/IBz3Fn75GGjXfm89FsymAL/Limit-Orders?page-id=680%3A7&type=design&node-id=680-2004&viewport=246%2C770%2C0.23&t=8kMDwXWQdNVvLHrg-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=680%3A2004&mode=design prototype

What would be also awesome (as the title suggests) is seeing not only your orders but seeing the general pool of orderbooks too. gets us exploring the advanced trading UI under ShapeShift 2.0 (the CEXy DEX)

What are the requirements (engineering, marketing, grants etc.)?

Spikes on the UI layer, asset filtering, and display

Spikes on the orderbook depth and how to display those pieces of information

What’s in scope:

We should get feedback at each one before proceeding to add another.

What are the risks and how will we mitigate them?

Does this effect EOA wallets, UTXO wallets, Smart Contract Wallets, Hardware wallets, or a limited scope of them?