When opening a new role, please follow these steps:


  1. Go to ‣ and see if there isn’t already a role that matches your idea
  2. If none exist, create a new role, and fill the template.
  3. If one exists, update the Yes please, I feel this pain column and add relevant content to the notion page.


  1. Set the Role scorecard column. If new, create a new Role in the internal hiring list ‣. This is set from a high-level perspective, with the goal to be evergreen and focused on how to filter candidates (internal or external) for the role, either for internal hires or external hires. Set the:
  2. Set the Role column. If new, create a new Role in the team list Roles. This is set from a high-level perspective, with the goal to be evergreen and focused on how to be a high performer in the role:
  3. Fill all the areas on the notion page (from the template ‣)

Validate the opening

  1. Go to Ashby.
  2. Create a new Ashby role if none exits for the role you want to open. If an identical role already exist as closed or archives, you can reopen it.
  3. Create an Ashby opening as well for the Ashby Role.
  4. Submit it to go live, get the approval (configured directly in Ashby)

Draft the candidate's content

  1. Write a new job post, starting from the template: https://github.com/mui/material-ui/blob/master/docs/pages/careers/ROLE_TEMPLATE.md. You can look at similar other roles for inspiration [https://github.com/mui/material-ui/tree/master/docs/pages/careers.](https://github.com/mui/material-ui/tree/master/docs/pages/careers)
  2. Create a new draft job in Ashby
  3. Link the job in Ashby inside the job on the career page, with the application link

Publish the candidate's content

  1. Once the PR is approved