Video of "Open Study Groups" presentation:

What are Open Study Groups?

Open Study Groups are Study Groups without facilitators and they are open to everyone on the list.

What is a Study Room?

Study Rooms are voice and text channels for the Study Groups and the purpose and exclusive use of them is for study only (including laughter). Open Study Rooms may be either facilitated or open conversation and they may be either a single or multiple topics.

How is the use of the Study Rooms scheduled?

The room will remain open most of the time so you can join at any time as long as it's used for study only. If there's a group of certain people you would like to study with you can also make a reservation by sending me or Alan a message with day and time. Study sessions may be scheduled for up to 90 minutes. During scheduled sessions only those who signed up are allowed in the room.

And most importantly...

Have fun!

More info will be added soon!