As the Earlybird Digital East Fund Talent Advisory Team, we truly love and learn new perspective & thoughts. That’s why we read a lot on variety of topics anything from GTM strategy, Org Design, International Expansion, Compensation/ESOP, Org Scaling tips, Company Culture, Leadership etc.

Throughout the years, we have built an internal library to share those valuable content with our founders as well as the leadership team of our investments. Recently, we focused on categorizing and cleaning the library. And today, we believe that it is good time for us to “pay-back” to the community by sharing our library as an open-source.

We thank all the authors and hope you’ll find some inspiration while exploring this library!

This library is open for comments and sharing! 💡 Feel free to reach out to discuss and debrief with us;



35+ books about leadership, communication, scaling, culture and psychology.


300+ articles and studies on themes such as culture, executive hiring, team building, onboarding, organizational design, role definitions, scaling etc.

Book recommendations

Articles & Studies