OneDrive on Windows 7 (deprecated)

SharePoint site types

OneDrive Files On-Demand

How to install and connect OneDrive (PC)

If you have Windows 10 or 11, OneDrive is usually pre-installed on your PC. It should be running in the system tray (bottom right by the clock) or you can find it by clicking Start and typing OneDrive.

If it is not available, please install OneDrive like this:

How to install and connect OneDrive (Mac)

<aside> 📈 To save space on the computer, set your OneDrive folder and files as online (On Demand): • Right click on the OneDrive icon and click on Help and Settings > Settings. • On the Settings tab, tick the Save space and download files as you use them box.


What to do if OneDrive isn’t working

Please check that your OneDrive is running and logged in:

  1. Click Start