
📌 Actor : User acts as operator

Use all functions including order management, drivers and employees on the same platform

Manage and modify order status instantly

Control operating indicators for businesses

Support decision making with AhaMove's technology platform

The relationship between 3 roles [ End-user - Driver - Operator] in the syste is shown as the model below :

Workflow_SaaS_EN (1).png

How to use OnWheel operator tool ?

AhaMove team will be set up partner and internal service for your corp.

Step 1. Create new account

  1. Master account ( Partner's management account )

Then send the above registered phone number to the AhaMove team to activate on the system.

  1. Staff accounts

Step 2 : Set up staff account and set permissions

Partners use Master account to add sub-accounts in Manage Employee feature on OnWheel Employee site ( staging url )

Screen Shot 2021-09-16 at 17.52.04.png

Child accounts can use the tool with the permissions set by the Master account