About Omni X

Omni X is an omnichain NFT launchpad built on LayerZero, transcending single-chain limitations to enhance the user experience. It supports multiple blockchains, fostering true omnichain interoperability. Artists and game creators can mint their digital assets and deliver them across an omnichain environment using the LayerZero protocol.

With an active native Web3 community, Omni X attracts individuals eager to be part of something bigger. The optionality of blockchain networks benefits everyone, allowing creators to leverage multiple chains. Protocols like Omni X can onboard a diverse range of users to any chain, making it a versatile and inclusive platform.

Traction on Metis

Collection Name Omni X Collection Interface Metis Holders Total Holders Metis Transactions Total Transactions Collection Contract Scan URL Open Sea URL TofuNFT URL
Omnichain Adventures https://omni-x.io/collections/omnia/2360302 44,318 596,220 1738 1,057,325 0x4663b14f08b4Cdc188B05e30a4CBCE0Cf17736E0 https://explorer.metis.io/token/0x4663b14f08b4Cdc188B05e30a4CBCE0Cf17736E0 https://opensea.io/collection/omnichain-adventures https://tofunft.com/discover/items?contracts=88726&network=1088
Omni Ax Adventures https://omni-x.io/drops/oaxa 9,631 133,685 813 264,587 0xc918108214410876c2473b6949Fe737Ea34Fa483 https://explorer.metis.io/token/0xc918108214410876c2473b6949Fe737Ea34Fa483 https://opensea.io/collection/omni-ax-adventures https://tofunft.com/discover/items?contracts=90420&network=1088
Omnichain Adventures Part II https://omni-x.io/drops/ptomnia 38,216 394,161 720 109,143 0xD9dc3AaF157e7222900A413cae697CAf2D4e992f https://explorer.metis.io/address/0xD9dc3AaF157e7222900A413cae697CAf2D4e992f https://opensea.io/collection/omnichain-adventures-part-2 https://tofunft.com/discover/items?contracts=90367&network=1088
Total Across Open Editions 92,165 1,124,066 3,271 1,431,055
Omnichain Adventures Part III (Mid March 2024) TBD TBD TBD TBD

Omni X 2023 Traction

Product Milestones: • Launched incentivized Mainnet Alpha

• Unveiled our first PFP ONFT collection - @Omni_Elements

• Launched 7 collections across 13+ chains

• Total transactions hit 3.1M+

• Minted 8.4M+ NFTs

• Serving 1.3M+ holders

• 856K+ crosschain transactions

• 550K+ ONFTs bridged

• Integrated historic ONFTs:





• 3 Viral Open Editions launched