Resources that I've developed for using p5.js in education.

Also see p5.js Resources, that includes resources from other people too.

p5.js Templates

p5.js Template (Glitch) – Remix this to create a p5.js project on Glitch. Adapted from a template by J.H. Moon

p5.js Template (GitHub) – Download or clone this to create a p5.js project Visual Studio Code.

p5pose is a p5.js + ml5.js PoseNet starter. I prefer it to the official starter because I prefer for my students to use the for…of statement. Also see PoseNet.

Examples & Recipes

p5.js Examples


Map Explorer is an interactive visualization of the Arduino / Processing / p5.js map() function.

Step-by-Step Tutorials

This is a library of step-by-step tutorials that demonstrate different techniques in p5.js. They are designed for beginning to intermediate p5.js coders. Some of the end with a sampler of more advanced techniques on the final pages.

p5.js Tutorials