⏱️ Estimated completion time: 5 minutes

This guide will help you to use Okta identification with Mantra.

Supported features



Configuration Steps

  1. In your Okta dashboard, select Applications then click Browse App Catalog

    Screenshot 2022-09-09 at 09.02.43.png

  2. Search and select Mantra

  3. Click Add Integration

  4. Select Done

    Screenshot 2022-09-09 at 09.05.57.png

  5. On the General tab, make sure the following options are checked:

    Then, copy your Okta domain.


  6. From the Sign On tab, copy your Client ID Send your Okta Domain and Client ID to your Mantra customer representative.


  7. From the Assignments tab, select Assign, Assign to Groups.


    Select Everyone


Known Issues / Troubleshooting

To logout from Mantra, click on the link below: https://auth.mantra.ms/v2/logout

Please reach our team at [email protected] if you encounter any issue.