My Highlights


The secret in their success lies in their ability to discover their strengths and to organize their life so that these strengths can be applied

modus operandi: a particular way or method of doing something

They identified in themselves some recurring patterns of behaviors and then figured out a way to develop these patterns into genuine and productive strengths.

The ability is a strength only if you can fathom yourself doing it repeatedly, happily, and successfully.

Excellent performers must be well-rounded is one of the most pervasive myths we hope to dispel in this book. When we studied them at excellent performers were rarely well rounded. On the contrary, they were sharp.

Understanding how to distinguish your natural talents from things you can learn. The question isn't whether or not you can improve at these activities, The question is whether you can reach consistent, near perfect performance in these activities through practice alone

You need a simple way to differentiate between what is indeed in while you can acquire from practice

It is never possible to posses a strength without the requisite talent

The key to building a bona fide strength is to identify your dominant talents and then refine them with knowledge and skills.

The Pillars in Finding Your Strength

Strength = Talents + Knowledge + Skills

Talents: naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior. Your various themes of talents

Knowledge: facts and lessons learned

Skills: the steps of an activity

Take a close look at knowledge, skills, and talents. Learn to distinguish each one from the others. Identify your dominant talents and then in a focused way acquire the knowledge and skills to turn them into real strengths.