
If you want to move columns around in Notion on the iPad, you will need to use the trackpad.

If you need to convert an image on your iPad/iPhone to a smaller size to be under the 5MB limit for upload, then check out:

Converting an Image to JPEG

If you want to create multiple columns in Notion on iPad or iPhone, you seem to be unable to. But you can do it on desktop. So, go to your desktop Notion and create columns where you want them. Then use them on your iPad or iPhone after they are created.

When you create a linked database in Notion, the views on that database are not copied to the duplicate. You can avoid this issue using the information in this video from Marie. It does not appear that the views are kept in sync in the duplicates though, but it still saves a bunch of time if you set up views in your first linked database.

Notion Quick Tip: duplicating database views

Backup your Notion Data


The Most PRODUCTIVE Thing I Do Each Year

The Bulletproof Notion Workspace 2.0

Molly @ Notionology
