<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/40b83544-f51e-43b6-bef1-3045051e5eed/Untitled_Artwork_14_copy_5.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/40b83544-f51e-43b6-bef1-3045051e5eed/Untitled_Artwork_14_copy_5.png" width="40px" /> Hi 👋🏽 I'm Nat. I make templates and stuff. I'm most known for my LaTeX Style Guide. To stay up to date with my latest content, subscribe to my Gumroad.


N.'s Notion Tips

Templates by N.

N.'s Home Base Format in Various Themes

These templates have nicely formatted home bases incorporating the very basics of my Notion layout: my project/task management system. I based my general project/task system loosely on David Allen's book Getting Things Done. To read about how my system works and how it implements the GTD framework, you can read My Notion System.

Templates by N.

N.'s Learning-oriented Templates

Templates by N.

N.'s Notion Page Components & Building Blocks

Templates by N.

N.'s Functional Databases

Templates by N.

N.'s Blog Templates

Templates by N.