While I've been taking notes for as long as I can remember, I decided to switch methodology.

On medium

Obviously, as a 30-something working in tech and with ties to SF, I've been toying with the idea to put it on Roam research. The UX, the idea of putting everything in a single repository not that structured was not appealing to me.

Some of my good friends, on the ageing side, argued for a full-blown writing style. The only upside I could think of was the ability to draw and exercize my creativity and drawing skills. It still was not enough of a factor to drive decision towards written note.

Notion, with the double backlink ability, easiness of use (altho the mobile app needs some work), and style, won my heart.

On methodology

I decided to be more opiniated in how I take notes. My overall goal is for any given day to be around 5 notes, notations and thougts, consistently, so down from the 20 or so notes I had before switching methodology.

However, I intend for those notes to be crisper, linked to the overall picture and furthering my thinking more than before. Also, being more opiniated in the books and content I choose to read, even more than before.

Finally, I draw tips from Second brain methodology (without relying on the same tools or whatnot, but drawing tips from it).

On philosophy

As a proponent of open source for the last 20 years, I decided to put all my notes online for everyone to see, and be able to explain in detail the reasons for a given belief or data point. That way, as per ‣ 's ‣ of ‣, I should be able to be candid in my thinking.

One unresolved issue is to track meaningful change of thinking over time (maybe doing a "Things I hold for true" page ? Straight to Backlog, ideas, todo ).

On raising the bar

If 90% of your body is made from what you breathed/ate/drank last two years, then for sure one's opinions are made of who/what they repeatedly interacted with.

Logical conclusion is "raising the bar" : actively blocking bad (as defined by very partisan, not thought out, low information quality / relevancy per word read) content, and actively searching and studying good (as defined by benevolent, deeply thougt out, high output / relevancy per word read) content.