<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7fe53e74-1378-42e2-8a6f-e799d265a022/logo_icon_papumba_cover.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7fe53e74-1378-42e2-8a6f-e799d265a022/logo_icon_papumba_cover.png" width="40px" /> Papumba is an award-winning platform for kids. Through the years we received coverage by top digital media platforms and won some of the most prestigious competitions and awards. Here are some of them:


Google Case Study

Growing Globally Through Localization

Papumba is an educational games developer based in Argentina, with a vision to grow a global business. Watch Gonzalo Rodriguez, CEO, and Andres Ballone, CPO, explain how working with a team of experts from across the world and adapting their games to local markets helped them find success globally.


"App Of the Day" by Apple


Featured in "For Kids" Tab


🗒️ Read full App Store Story here.