We continuously update this FAQ. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on our chat available on app.nonli.com.

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How do I select the accounts I want to publish on?

What is the blue "shorten your links" bar for?

How do I delete a post in Nonli?

How to filter my publications?

What is Smart Schedule?

Where can I see the performance metrics of my publications?

How to change the publishing order of my scheduled posts?

Where can I see my scheduled posts?

How can I edit a post?

How do I add a social account?

What does the "error" notification on my posts mean?

Where can I see my published posts?

How many social accounts can I add?

What does the ~ sign to the left of my publications mean?

How can I embed an image in my post?

How do I edit the image in a post?

How do I schedule a post?

How do I select accounts I want to publish on?

How can I create a type link post?

How can I create a post?



What is the number of Facebook engagements?

How to search by keyword?

How can I continuously refresh my search results?

What is a theme? How many can I create?

How can I create and save my filters in Nonli?

What is the Weak Surge Detection™?

Why does an account that appears in my results disappear when I activate the WSD™?

What is displayed on the cards?

How can I activate an account in my Facebook Intelligence?

I want to activate an account but it does not appear in the results when I key its name in the search bar, how can I find it?

How much historical data do I get when I activate an account? How long does it take for the older publications to become available in the results?

What are the buttons in the navigation bar?

What is the number next to the Facebook logo in the Publications section?

What are the percentages in the Leaderboard?

What is the star next to the name of a theme?

What is the purpose of the wheel at the top right-hand side of the screen, next to the queries?

How many results does Nonli display for my search?

Why does the Account Finder show 2 numbers of fans for the same account?

How to do a boolean query?

Why is my web content not displayed?

What is the "Import" button next to a theme?

How to duplicate a theme?

How are the themes grouped?

What is the "Default global data" theme?

Why do I get results when I create a theme and haven't entered any filters yet?

What happens when I click on "reset your filters"?

I changed the language of my interface and I can't find my themes anymore.

Why does my engagement rate in Nonli differ from what is displayed in Facebook?



What are robots for?

How many robots can I configure?

How can I configure a robot?

How can I activate a robot?

What time zone is the robot's consultation period based on?

What happens when you activate "Create an optimized message using the description"?

Is it possible to enter an RSS feed that is not mine?

How can I duplicate a robot?

What is the "Consultation period of theme by the bot"?

What is the "Consultation frequency of the theme in minutes"?

What is the "Remove URL anchors" function?

Where is the list of posts in the reviewing queue?

When configuring a robot, I cannot select my own themes. Why?

Why doesn't my publication display hashtags even though I checked the option in my bot?

How can I delete a robot?


Target Urls

What's the use case for Nonli's Target Urls feature?

What is the search bar for?

How can I see performance statistics of my clicks?

Where can I publish my links?

What is a flying link?

What is the difference between infinite scroll and pagination?

How can I edit a shortlink?

How do I create a shortened URL?

How can I filter my shortened URLs?



Where can I update my personal information (first name, last name, email address or telephone number)?

How can I change my password?

How can I change my language preference?

How can I switch from a company to another when my Nonli account is linked to multiple companies?

How can I leave a company?

How can I update my company name?

Where can I find my invoices?

How can I see my consumption?

What's a pack?

What is a custom shortlink domain?

One of my social accounts is no longer connected. How can I reconnect it?

What is the "Update accounts" button for?

What roles are available in Nonli?

What is the purpose of the TV mode?

Why create multiple brands?

How can I add a social account or page?

How to add Nonli application to a Facebook group

How to add or remove packs?

Where can I enter a coupon code?

How can I update my payment method?

How can I update my billing address?

How can I update my billing email?

How can I add a custom shortlink domain?

How can I create a brand?

How can I assign a website to a brand?

How can I assign multiple websites/domains to my brand?

How can I add a logo to a brand?

Where can I invite one or more users?

How can I remove a user?

How do I remove an account or a page?

How can I assign an account to another brand?

How can I configure a new role?

How can I update an existing role?

How can I remove a role?