Here are the transcripts for the FAQ and if you have any questions, do reach out us and we'll get back to us right away!

Why should you listen to Audio FAQ?

Why Audio FAQs? by Team Xperian


If you're wondering why these audio FAQs are there, it's to help you quickly and deeply understand things in a different way. If we look at how the human mind is designed through the lens of cognitive science, speaking from your heart communicates ideas much faster than written words. So this short audio snippet is dedicated to those of you who love quicker and easier modes of communication. I certainly do love that part. As I always wondered, why don't we just speak and people can just listen in whenever they want to insert of reading websites. So if you find this easy, it's for you.

Why A Jumpstart session?

Why A Jumpstart Session? by Team Xperian

Transcript So the typical question that I keep getting is why a jumpstart session, I owe you an explanation for this. Let's look at why we created a jumpstart session in the first place. As the word implies, it is to really get you quickly started into a particular field into a discipline into a subject matter. Imagine you're going through a completely unknown terrain, and you don't have anything with you to figure out where you are, what steps to take, etc. In such a context, a GPS or a map will be extremely valuable to you. It shows you the big picture, how to go to a certain point which turn to take, where not to go, where are you and things like that.

Now, as continuous learners, we are all beginners at some point at one point. As a beginner, when you want to get started in a field with a vast landscape and understand the terrain, you might not know where to start and how to go about it. You have to spend considerable amount of time and energy to get a glimpse of what is going on. So if someone who has travelled this path earlier, can come and show you the big picture, tell you effective routes to take, equip you with necessary things, show you the pitfalls and share some tips with you. It saves you immense amount of time and effort and figuring things out, isn't it It gets you started on a journey much more effectively. And that's what a jumpstart should help you with.

It's a short live session, which can equip you with necessary things to get you started quickly, holistically, and compound your learnings later. Imagine, if we can do that for niches that are upcoming like No-Code product design, Product Management, data science. Well, they are not niche anymore. But you know, these are big subjects, big disciplines. Since no one's doing that, we thought why not? We'll give it a try because our students keep asking this same questions again and again and again. So if you're already into the field and you understand the know hows, then you can skip this, this is not for you. Unless, you know if you're interested in getting a very composite holistic view of the field. Again, this is not for you. It's always good to strengthen the fundamentals. And you know, some senior folks also come to jumpstart sessions otherwise, you can totally skip it.

But for a beginner, I think we will be very, very helpful. The jumpstart programmes will help you to quickly venture into a field effectively, which is completely unknown to you. In other words, you get to go from zero to one very quickly, very effectively. And that's the intent of the programme and, and we really hope you find this valuable