The Email Teardown Club

My mailing list for fellow messaging fanatics. Join us!

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List member Nina Prager says…

“I am member of a Toastmaster's public speaking club since end 2019 and the onboarding was confusing. A few different platforms, committee members that all came and asked me stuff... I wished there was a mail, with meeting recaps, tips, all the links to social media, upcoming events with dates and links. So in summer, when I became a committee member myself, I created a newsletter with mailchimp.

With all the things I learned from you I feel and felt confident enough to do that in a compelling way. Everybody loves it! I send it to club members and guests we had and the audience grew to over 50 now with a satisfying opening rate of 70% :)”

A newsletter about [X]

I don't yet know what's going to become of this one, but here's the first instalment:

🔗 “Oh my GOD I must have cancer"... a smear test letter threw me into a vortex of doom, and it turns out I’m not the only one – so I rewrote it

Why not come along for the ride?

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