
Verified Web3 Dwellers 🔥

If you’re reading this, you are one! You have taken the first step in joining a community that is taking back ownership of their social connections on Web3. LFG

We have been having this role since the very first day in our community. Build, share, learn, and thrive. That’s what our community is all about 😬

Early Supporters 🙌

Please check out the #roles-explained channel for detailed descriptions of “1k resident” & “10k resident”. In the future, we will continue to introduce “50k residents” with special community-building events.

Developer Community 👨‍💻


Hammermen and women are those community developers who are either creating dApps on top of the CyberConnect Protocol or have participated in one of our hackathon events.

Dev Support

More details about this role coming soon.

Community Management

For all of those roles including “mail boy”, “doormen”, and “community manager”, we won’t take any applications from now on. Recognizing community contribution is one of our key thesis for our community that we want to give everyone a fair chance to build our community.

However, feel free to DM roy_shen about how do you want to contribute for these roles.

For all the community management roles, we reserve the right to revoke those roles due to various reasons such as long-time inactivity, and inappropriate behavior.

Mail Boy 💌

Introducing the brand new role of “mail boy” to our community! “Mail boy” is your very first step in being part of our community management team!

Mail Boys are community members who actively help others by answering questions and guiding them through our community. As the name suggests, we need members who have passion and energy, and most importantly are willing to support each other & deliver the right messages.


Doormen are some of our most active and trusted community members, and can often be found helping out others, throwing community events, and spreading the word about CyberConnect.