You've landed a job offer - wahoo! Now let's make sure your compensation matches your market value. We encourage you to negotiate your new offer as its where you have the MOST room to increase your compensation rather than during your annual reviews. ****Below are some tips to help.

Note: Make sure you don't forget about equity! Check out our Equity as Compensation page to help you understand this piece of your compensation package. Here are 2 equity calculators that may also help you valuate your equity offer: Carta and Help Wanted.

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What if you're told the offer is final? 💸

In the conversation:

  1. Take a long pause.
  2. Mirror. “So there’s no room to negotiate base? There's no room to negotiate bonus? There's no room to negotiate equity?" Go through every part of the offer within reason.
  3. Thank them, ask them to let you know if anything changes on their end, and say you’ll be in touch.

After the conversation, consider:

  1. Is the offer sufficient as is?
  2. Are you only upset because the negotiation didn’t work?
  3. What does it mean about the company?
  4. What happens if you don’t accept?

As a final concession, ask to schedule a six-month review with the possibility of increasing compensation if your performance is strong.

Next page ➡️ Annual Review / Promotion Best Practices