General information

Neural Prophet is a time-series forecasting model inspired by Facebook Prophet and AR-Net (for autocorrelation modeling). It is built on PyTorch and combines Neural Networks and traditional time-series algorithms.

Neural Prophet includes all the components from the original Prophet model: trend, seasonality, recurring events, and regressors. Further, Neural Prophet now also provides support for auto-regression and lagged covariates. That's particularly relevant in the kinds of applications in which the near-term future depends on the current state of the system.

It also provides an automatic selection for the hyperparameters related to model training. In addition, the model is adaptable to different forecast horizons (greater than 1) and its components can be interpreted with the corresponding visualizations.


Brick Locations

BricksMachine LearningNeural Prophet

Brick Parameters

Simple mode:

Regression / Auto-Regression

Events (optional, if optional events input is connected)