(Last updated 21/07/2018)

Package Overview



VRT_Network : prefab to drop in the scene that controls all the Networking


VRT_NetworkDiscovery.cs : Network discovery script to find the server

VRT_NetworkManager.cs : Modified Network Manager

VRT_NetworkAutoStart.cs : Start the Server automatically if none were found with the discovery after a few seconds

VRT_NetworkPlayer.cs : To be put on the player prefab root

Add Networking to your Scene

To add networking to your scene drop the Network prefab in the scene.

Add your player prefab to the Extended Network Manager —> Spawn Info —> Player Prefab

If you need to compile the Server only (not player) for the Spectator mode for example, our to have a separate PC running the server, hit the Server Only checkbox in Network Auto Start script.

Finally all networked prefab used in the game need to be registered in Extended Network Manager —> Spawn Info —> Registered Spawnable Prefabs


More on the Network Manager

The Network Manager was extended to hold a few extra useful informations.

Here are variables you can access :

And events that can be registered in other scripts :