Recover from injury while meeting your athletic goals. Netic connects Professional Runners and Physical Therapists remotely by providing features like: matching, chat, “check in”, session scheduling etc.

❓ What is Netic?

🧩 My Part in Netic (Skippable)

👩‍🔬 My Process (Summary)

🚨 So what’s the problem?

✅ Solution

🧱 A feature breakdown (small case study inside)

📈 Results (Spoiler: Great!)

🤔 Learnings

✨ Branding (Bonus)


I hope you had fun reading my case study.

I am always very open to feedback or suggestions.

I love meeting new people, so feel free to schedule a call with me or email me at [email protected]

To see more of my works, check out 🌐

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