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The Progress

I started project with defining a value proposition canvas (See Miro 1). This helped me to formulate the problem of the user and the value of the potential solution. This was fairly easy for me, because I have these problems myself therefore used me as a persona.


With this is place, I started to think about the information needs and what essential elements would be needed to solve my problem. (Work created in the ID_16 LU). (Miro 2).


After this I created around 15 cards that I would later use for a card sorting exercise. These cards where loosely based on the information needs and the breadboard brainstorm from the previous step. I then created a cluster that would make most sense to me which I could later use to check against. I used to chance of interviewing people also to interview them about the problem and therefore created a set of questions that I would ask before the card sorting exercise.

I interviewed six people. You can find the sorted cards from each in the Miro Board 3 and all the answers to the questions in the Notion Interview Notes.

All cards available

All cards available

Example of Sorted Cards

Example of Sorted Cards

I learned the following from this exercise

Reflection Card Sorting Exercise (same as in Miro)