We have a number of shared NPM accounts at PL that can be used to automate NPM package management. In particular, they are used to automate Publishing npm packages.

Each account is associated with an email address that belongs to a Google Group(s) - [email protected] or [email protected]

Account credentials, including password, 2FA token and NPM automation token are shared via Interplanetary Shipyard 1Password Vault - NPM Service Accounts. Each npm service account should use a single NPM_TOKEN.


IPFS Foundation Accounts

Below accounts are owned by IPFS Foundation and maintained by IPShipyard.

Organization Name Account Name Account Email
https://github.com/ipfs npm-service-account-ipfs [email protected]
https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard npm-service-account-ipfs-shipyard [email protected]
http://github.com/ipld npm-service-account-ipld [email protected]
https://github.com/libp2p npm-service-account-libp2p [email protected]
https://github.com/multiformats npm-service-account-multiformats [email protected]

Filecoin Accounts

Organization Name Account Name Account Email
https://github.com/filecoin-shipyard npm-service-account-filecoin-shipyard [email protected]
https://github.com/filecoin-project npm-service-account-filecoin-project [email protected]


How to give NPM service account access to a NPM org?

Adding members to your organization | npm Docs

How to give NPM service account access to a NPM package?

Adding collaborators to private packages owned by a user account | npm Docs

How to add a NPM package to a NPM org?

NOTE: packages owned by an organization DO NOT have to be scoped

Managing team access to organization packages | npm Docs

How to create a new shared NPM service account?
